Medical goods exempt from customs payments in Uzbekistan
The government of Uzbekistan exempted from customs payments a number of medicines, products of medical appointment, the medical equipment, raw materials, materials and substances used for their production means against a coronavirus, the correspondent tells news agency. This list has been provided for exemption from payments by the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan and the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry. It is reported that, on an exceptional basis, the Republican Special Commission for the Preparation of a Programme of Measures to Prevent the Penetration and Spread of Coronavirus in Uzbekistan has been granted such rights as exemption from VAT for up to 3 months of certain finished medicines and medical products. The Commission may also draw up a list of essential goods and exempt them from customs payments for up to three months. In Uzbekistan, the number of cases of coronavirus infection has increased by 16 to 104 to date.
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